
Dynamic Duo

Manage Your Coach

It’s interesting, when you look-up the definition of a “Manager” the words such as controlling, supervisor, administer and boss are first in the description for that title. However, when you look-up the definition of a “Coach,” words like trainer, instructor, teacher and mentor are at the forefront of the description for that title.

The words used to describe these two titles of Manager and Coach are accurate and true meanings for each word as they are described as very different positions. Nevertheless, as a Manager, if you only follow the definition as described, you may find yourself and your people frustrated and unproductive. This makes me think that there is a big disconnect in the definition of what is really required to be a “great” Manager.

You should apply the philosophy and mindset from both roles of a Manager and that of a Coach to unlock and leverage your internal “Dynamic Duo.” Combining the Manager disciplines (controlling, supervisor, administer) with the Coach characteristics (trainer, instructor, teacher) will help you become a more holistic leader and provider for growth.

Managing people is not easy, it can be challenging, exhausting and frustrating but it can also be extremely enlightening, enjoyable and rewarding. The outcome all depends on how you lead them and what you put back into them. Your team’s success and failure is a reflection of your ability to manage. If you believe this, you have an obligation to mentor and support their success.

Master the Hat Dance

Being a great Manager requires the ability to switch roles or “hats” between when to be a “Manager” and when to be a “Coach” and then back again, seamlessly all day long. Understanding each situation and knowing when to engage the “Manager Hat” to provide the correct direction or response or when to deploy the “Coach Hat” to address a teaching opportunity for personal development.

Switching from the “Manager Hat” and “Coach Hat”  will eventually become an instinct based on knowing and understanding the variables of each experience or conversation. Variables include the type of discussion, the tone of the conversation, the emotional status and the surrounding environment, to name a few. Considering and identifying these will help guide you through the conversations to successfully manage and coach your team to better performance and success.

Embracing and learning the “Hat Dance” will unlock the potential of your internal “Dynamic Duo.” Successfully combining your role of a Manager and a Couch, you will establish a solid leadership foundation for yourself and help create a team that will respect, appreciate and follow you. If you take the time to master your “Hat Dance,” your people will be more successful and you will find being a leader more enlightening, enjoyable and rewarding. 

Next: The Leadership Principles

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